Chris Peterson Gets it Right

Last season I came across a video of University of Houston coach Tony Levine unveiling a new uniform for his team.

The player reactions were great, but the best part of the video was Levine’s prank. Levine originally unveiled a different uniform with the intent of pranking his players. While the prank worked it felt incomplete. I personally thought it was a golden opportunity wasted. I wanted to see Levine do something much more ridiculous and truly shock his players.

Last Tuesday Washington coach Chris Peterson pulled a similar stunt, but this time he made the fake uniform truly ridiculous.

The uniforms featured six W’s on the front including one on each kneecap and another on the crotch. Peterson topped off the joke with a strip facemask, and my personal favorite, “DAWGS” written on the butt.

I am glad both Peterson and Levine are relaxed enough to do this. For Washington the video was hilarious and it helps a first year coach bond with his players.

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