What if the College Football Playoffs were modeled after March Madness? Hypothetical 32 Team (2015-2016)

Last year I made a hypothetical bracket for the College Football Playoffs using metrics similar to how the NCAA College Basketball Tournament selects their teams. To make this a yearly tradition for me I have done the same for this years teams. Why 32 teams? Thirty-two teams is exactly 25% of all FBS teams. This… Continue reading What if the College Football Playoffs were modeled after March Madness? Hypothetical 32 Team (2015-2016)

Despite Boren’s Wishes, the Big 12 is Not Expanding

David Boren, President of The University of Oklahoma stirred the pot on realignment by reiterating his stance that the Big 12 should expand to twelve teams. He also criticized Texas for the Longhorn Network without specifically mentioning it by name. College administrators have stirred this pot in the past by commenting (1) on conference realignment, which caused… Continue reading Despite Boren’s Wishes, the Big 12 is Not Expanding

Will a Grant of Rights Protect the Big 12 From Future Raids?

Currently the Big 12 Conference sits at the center of conference realignment discussion. The conference is widely seen as the weakest link within the Power Five (P5) due to its smaller size, and recent history of instability. Proponents of the Big 12 will point to its “Grant of Rights” (GOR) agreement as a reason why… Continue reading Will a Grant of Rights Protect the Big 12 From Future Raids?

The Marshall Dilemma: The New Playoff System Has Already Failed College Football

Author’s Note: This is Part I of a two-part article. Part II can be found here. The College Football Playoffs have been in existence for less than a full season. In its short life, this newborn system is already facing a daunting dilemma that is tarnishing its credibility before it can even name the inaugural Final… Continue reading The Marshall Dilemma: The New Playoff System Has Already Failed College Football